Monday, December 26, 2011

The Tree of Life - 2011
by Terrence Malick

As tradition has overtime,
set in stone the shapes and
transitions of films
the debut of a a picture
such as
"The Tree of Life",
means more than a
broadcasting of mere
[as opposing
to what regular so called experimental films
for it offers,
cinematographically speaking
an alternative route,
and that said with no use of demagogy,
to the best 'cinema' can offer

Malick´s tempo is at times,
a puzzling feature
, demanding
a certain degree of familiarity

that is not at first enjoyed
by most of its spectators
for without a measure of analysis
and complacency
the unusul cuts
ballet like sequence of images

would assuredly be an impediment
to a casual viewer.

But however dense the visual
and sensorial
aspects of
"The Tree of Life" may appear
it is far less pretentious
than its discourse.

It displays itself as an ultimate
tribute to life on this planet
transcending the boundaries of civilizations
and eras
, being in its own way
a cinematographic cross
adaptation of
Charles Darwin's
"Origins of the Species" and the
4 Christian Gospels
adapted to a
1950´s version of the United States
A task performed quite
outstandingly we may add
but that by its own nature,
was like trying to swallow a
whole chicken
in only one bite.

However, Malick´s Iliad prevailed,
due to its impressive virtues,
best summed by Jessica Chastain (who
so beutifuly Played Mrs. O´Brien in the film)

in a recent interview: [The film]
"Is more of an experience,
It´s like a visual poem,
is like a philosophy lesson."

and indeed it is, at times.

It´s by that light, by an aura of lyricism
and sensibility
, that the whole
picture revolves
, and [for the most part]
progresses towards an even more
intense experience
, towards an
even more poem like audiovisual
, towards a firmer
consciousness of self
and collectiveness
And so it was
, in sum:
'too good to be true'

The Truth in "The Tree of Life",
the Honest and Pure in
its whole
is drawn from
the interactions of a family

with the matters of life
We see generations Struggling
with what Life is,
as if a
full picture of it could never
be painted, as if it were always
unveiling itself more widely
and more intensely

that we are led to infer
that it
can never be fully grasped
That it´s continual, independent of time,
independent of species.

So much so that Grace, embodied by
´s Character, is introduced
almost as an attitude

of reverence
and self awareness
towards life itself.
Brad Pitt´s Character is just the
He´s the one
who´s lost
the meaning and
with the sacredness
of existence

But the best features of the fore mentioned
was its take
on childhood
, and the
parents-children relationship
the collision of two worlds.
For the picture gets so powerfully
as the time of the
kid to protagonize
his version of 'what life is'

, that by then we are taken back
into his feelings and anxieties
as equals
, as brothers.
This acknowledgement is in deed
the greatest vein of this narrative

the children seam to have been simply
into existence and are
now having the toughest time
trying to absorb sense out of life

and understand why adults are so not like
. Is in this sense,
that Life is depicted as a cycle,
of beauty and Transformation,
illustrated by most of its footage, and
solidified by Brad Pitt´s character.

It´s important to note that it is not by accident
that the 1950´s of the narrative,
is depicted as the ideal
standard time of humanity
It´s a personal reference, since Malick himself
was at the best years of his childhood years then.

In sum Malick depicts the sensations
of a life time
, in his 2 hour film at the
best cinema is able to do it
. And for that alone,
this film deserves the best of

However it fails, miserably
in attempting to synthesize
all insinuations
sensorial associations
carefully crafted
, into what
turned out to be

a really poor metaphor
as if an art work depended on
a moral to conclude itself.

So What was in deed a beautiful

(and in spite of all pretensions)
, naive in
the best sense of the word,
revealed itself
to be a list of great
isolated elements
in a
mediocre recipe
As if Playing God wasn´t enough...

So "The Tree of Life", is overall
a majestic art piece of such
and depth but
that betrays
in a rude form
it´s own intellect and
Only 'hanged together'

by that which it ultimately
spontaneity and the
Rapture of emotional connections,

precisely the aspects of existence
that reason could never fairly describe,
nor contain in its logics

Thursday, December 15, 2011

#36: Holly Jolly Secrets,
_______the "Christmas Special" Episode
______ ______
of the 3rd season
_____________aired on the 5th of december - 2011
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
[Spoiler Containing] Reflection.

(Watch Video)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jim Jarmusch´s

Nothing is original.
Steal from anywhere
that resonates with inspiration
or fuels your imagination.
Devour old films, new films, music, books,
paintings, photographs, poems,
dreams, random conversations, architecture,
bridges, street signs, trees, clouds,
bodies of water, light and shadows.

Select only things to steal from that
directly to your soul.
If you do this, your work
(and theft) will be authentic.

Authenticity is invaluable;
originality is nonexistent.

And don’t bother concealing
your thievery
celebrate it
if you feel like it.
In any case,
always remember
what Jean-Luc Godard said:
It’s not where you take things from
it’s where you take them to.

by Jim jarmusch (1953 - Now)
Film Director, Screenwriter, Actor,
Producer, Editor and Composer

(Check out his other 4 Rules)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

(Photo by Sandra Mu/Getty Images AsiaPac)

Who: George North - 19 Years Old
When: 20th of October 2011
Where: Auckland, New Zealand
What: Bronze Play Off [R.W.C.]

Watching this framed George North
pressing forward on the above picture,
is a singular experience only
dared to be interpreted
by the rules of SEMIOTIC.

As defined by our dear Wikipedia:
............"Semiotics is the study of signs and
............sign processes, Indication, Designation,
............Likeness, Analogy, Metaphor, Symbolism,
............Signification, and Communication."

Thus by staring at the above Picture,
you have (without giving much
thought to it), being a victim
of the described phenomenons.

What comes to mind when you look at it?
[What it reminds You of : a UFC Fight? a Medieval War?...]
What questions you didn´t have to ask about it that
were actually never answered in the picture?
[Such as "Why would they doing that?" ...]
What reactions did it cause you?
[Repulse? Engagement? Censure?]

Every one of these inquires
are dependable upon our own
conventions and expositions
to 'the thing' [since it can be virtually any thing]
in front of us.
A rugby fan like me will doubtless
get really excited about this
particular photo, but for
an individual not as familiar
with this sport, the same exact
picture may cause him
completely different reactions
and conclusions.

::Popular Ones::