Who: George North - 19 Years Old
When: 20th of October 2011
Where: Auckland, New Zealand
What: Bronze Play Off [R.W.C.]
Watching this framed George North
pressing forward on the above picture,
is a singular experience only
dared to be interpreted
by the rules of SEMIOTIC.
As defined by our dear Wikipedia:
............"Semiotics is the study of signs and
............sign processes, Indication, Designation,
............Likeness, Analogy, Metaphor, Symbolism,
............Signification, and Communication."
Thus by staring at the above Picture,
you have (without giving much
thought to it), being a victim
of the described phenomenons.
What comes to mind when you look at it?
[What it reminds You of : a UFC Fight? a Medieval War?...]
What questions you didn´t have to ask about it that
were actually never answered in the picture?
[Such as "Why would they doing that?" ...]
What reactions did it cause you?
[Repulse? Engagement? Censure?]
Every one of these inquires
are dependable upon our own
conventions and expositions
to 'the thing' [since it can be virtually any thing]
in front of us.
A rugby fan like me will doubtless
get really excited about this
particular photo, but for
an individual not as familiar
with this sport, the same exact
picture may cause him
completely different reactions
and conclusions.
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