Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

With your Permission,
A little background on this one will be helpful:
It was the perfect set up, the end of a 2 year strike of films.
We all had no clues what to expect of this one, in fact I had no
clues which movie we would watch not even who´s it was,
there were no worries among us, and besides Katie´s constant
comments... (just kidding) I couldn´t ask for a better set up,
nor another work to enjoy that night.
>This text is a fulfilling of a promise made to my friends:
Adam, Flint, Katie, Mikael and Lian.
................................(on the day we all died.)

Where The Wild Things Are - 2009
by Spike Jonze

Being a child: An urgent (lack of patience)
coupled with an extremely charitable solipsism.
I can´t quite measure it with words, but
although I remember my childhood so dearly
I wouldn´t dare go back to it for nothing...
I love Way to much my dual perceptions and the
whole spectrum of social interactions.

But Max, he just had no clues why no one thought
he was as awesome as he knew he was. No friends
no 'real exciting' stories to tell, and in fact
'reality' wasn´t much of an appealing subject
on his dealings, mainly because he is a Vampire
who lost his 'for real' teeth.
what would you do without
your real teeth?
Would you make up some?

In his "dysfunctional" home (as I heard they labeling it on TV),
Max gets tired of his real self, of his
'miss-interactions' and almost fun,
and creates a character that allows him
to say and do what he pleases, to go a little
over the boundaries and let no misunderstanding
be made about his true self. kind of like our net Profiles hamm?
and After an oddly normal day,
being let down by all his co-existing
acquaintences and feeling the rejection, of a
not omniscient mom, he freaks out and goes
somewhere, away from his little (real) world.

Up until here, the camera was so much part of
the audience as I was at first, curious,
knowing much, saying silently:
"What do I do
next Max?"
Man... I´m so glad 'she' didn´t give up on him then;
cause that sailing [break] we got,
helped us to see what Max was talking about,
and Wow, he was right! There was a place to go to.
A place in which he´s solutions would be applied,
a place where he would never be sad, and after all
Max always knew how to assure happiness to everyone.

The band of monsters he hanged out with
in that place, Big dudes, without balance,
[they beeing a child´s perception of the grown
ups he knew
] Monsters in fact, so different than
him,..., and their kiss... AH! Soaked! but he liked it
although there was no phisical
atraction whatsoever. "No looking good for
the girls" type of deal in their relations,
The film is cought talking about pure love.
A childlike one, 'Agape' some may input...
And thus we see the proposal in every detail.
All there is of a childlike mentality but the
movie itself isn´t by far childish.

In this new place, violence doesn´t kill,
'shooting things' at people is cool for a while
and running, screaming, breaking things up,
jumping, and sleeping on a pile (sort of like
when they climb up their parents bed at mid night
). You know,
a place where you can be a real kid.

The genius of this work, in my humble opinion,
is the perception of Max amid the 'facts'
around him. You see you´ve watched the movie
not knowing what happened with Max´s 'real' Dad, or
Where´s his sister when he needs her? or
what´s up with his 'friends'?

You just don´t know it.
And You´ve accepted it all, thought up a
resonable explanation and moved on
, but Max,
like us was borne there and then
not knowing
what happened, he lives every day
trying some how to fix it all, even not having
a clue of 'it´s' causes...

Why is this crazy monster destroying this
tree-houses? Why are you guys big and Scary?
Where´s this place at? what day is it?
Who cares! He only wants to change it all
for the better, not only for him, but for everyone;
that is what makes him the hero
(or the king).

All that he created worthed nothing, since it´s purpose
was to keep those he loved happy and
did you see what an Amazing tent he put up
on his bedroom? or that awesome fort he built?

When [Once again] he fails in fixing everything
up, 'he' is eated* up.
But not as a punishment (biting isn´t bad, it
reveals things
). that 'swallowing' allowed
him to go deeper into himself than perhaps never
before, there inside his
'equivalent Monster´s' belly he chatted with
himself, the monster, the violent and
complicated one
, and the little boy.
In a agreement between his 'profile' and himself
he went out as he had came in, both from that
mouth as from that ocean/like 'portal' as well
as from his suit.
and a ten sentences book became an impressive cinematographic discorse.
>by Augusto Pereira


  1. AnonymousMay 01, 2010

    Wow, i enjoyed reading that...And i usually don't enjoy reading...
    I think i might rent the movie and watch it again to understand it and enjoy it more...


  2. Your writing is beautiful. My brother, "hag G" told me about your blog. I hope you don't mind if I read it. Review more movies! How about The Fantastic Mr. Fox?


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